Darwin Cloud

Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UK_propertyDeduction'.

Updated on


This error generally occurs

  • When adding an agent on the Property basics screen who is already on the deal and showing on the Agents tab of the Properties menu
  • When making multiple updates to the agent on the Agent screen without saving in between

There are two steps to fix this:

Delete the Primary Agent

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click Agents submenu
  3. Click any blank space on agent's record to edit
  4. Click delete
  5. Click save

The agent next to it will become the Primary agent.

Add the previous primary agent

  1. Click + button next to listing agent to add
  2. Click magnifying glass to search for agent
  3. Enter agent's name
  4. Click search
  5. Click the agent name
  6. Click save

NOTE: For multiple agents representing a side, changing the primary agent to a different agent is not allowed in Property Basic screen. This needs to be done in Agents tab.

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