Before continuing this article, please be sure to have reviewed "How do I Enter a Bill / Payable to be Paid," and make sure that there are bills or payables that are posted to be paid.
Often when entering a bill or payable, the payment is not due immediately. Additionally, there could be several bills received from one vendor within a month. Instead of cutting a check each time a bill is received, it is possible to enter payables as they are received and pay them all together at a later date. Bills and payables are paid on the Pay Bills screen.
To search for the list of open bills:
- Click the Bills menu
- Click Pay bills submenu
- Click search button
- Choose the company on the dropdown list
- Click search
To make it easier to locate the bill to pay:
- Click person to sort the list in alphabetical order
- user can also click any column header
- clicking once to sort ascending
- click again to sort descending
- Or enter the portion of the name of a vendor on the Filter field
- Pay bills sub menu is designed on pagination, user can click the arrow right to see the next pages of open bills
- Select the back account from the drop-down menu to choose the account to write checks from
- Click the box under select column next to balance to pay the bill in full
- Click within the payment amount and type dollar amount to pay
- this will partially pay the bill, leaving a balance still open
- Type the check number within next check number field
- Type the check date within payment date or use the calendar icon to select the payment date
Do not check the select multiple property for one agent. This will make the printed check unable to show the correct commission details on the check stub.
- Select the check template from the drop-down menu
- To record the payment and NOT print a check, click the write check button
- To print a check, click the write check & print button
In either scenario, pay bills appears
If the write check button is clicked:
- Click yes, then the bill pay will finished

If the write check & print button is clicked, preview checks to be printed will appear, review and then print.
- Click yes
- Click the print all button to print both checks