Darwin Cloud

Merchant Account for Credit Card Payments

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Set-up a merchant account with Forte Payment Systems

Forte Payment Systems is an independent company that will handle all of your Direct Deposits and all of your Credit Card charges to Agents. This company has a long history or providing merchant services to business. Their operation has the highest level of security available within the banking sector.

Forte will also provide you with a web based portal that you can use to track / review / edit your all the Direct Deposit ACH payments and credit card charges sent in by AccountTECH.

Forte charges the standard credit card processing rates for enabling you to charge Agent's credit cards automatically within AccountTECH. In case you already have a credit card merchant processor in place, Forte will beat or match their charges. At AccountTECH, we have found that their Credit card processing fees are the lowest. There are no additional fees from AccountTECH for these features.

As with any merchant banking relationship, you need to apply for and be approved for a merchant account with Forte Payment systems. To facilitate the application process, they have provided a link to an online application form you can use to get the process started.

For the best pricing and special treatment that is only available to AccountTECH clients, request the Forte online application link from AccountTECH

NOTE:  Do not start entering agent bank account or credit card information before a Forte Merchant account is set-up. On the Tools menu in darwin Cloud both staff and agents can enter their bank account information for direct deposit. Until you have been approved for Forte's merchant account and until AccountTECH staff has set-up credentials for the merchant account, there is no where for the agent's bank information to be saved. Once AccountTECH has your Forte merchant account information set-up, any bank account that staff or agents enter into darwin Cloud will transfer automatically into the Forte portal - but not appear until "completely" set-up.  

So please do not start entering any bank account information until after set-up and instructed to do so by AccountTECH staff.

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