Darwin Cloud

How To Modify or Remove an Override from a Transaction?

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Overrides are calculated automatically based on criteria set up on the Overrides tab of the agent's profile.  However, there may be instances where an override is either waived or does not apply to a specific transaction that would normally meet the override criteria.

In these cases, the override amount can be manually edited to a custom amount or set to $0 to indicate a waived override.

To do this:

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Locate the property using search button
  1. Click Post
  2. Click unlock checkbox to enable editing of the amount
  3. Double-click the blank space in the $ amount field, and edit the $ amount
    • clicking the hyperlink will open a different screen
  4. Click save

After the override amount has been edited, the field will automatically lock to prevent the system from recalculating the override amount.

If further updates are needed to the override amount:

  1. Check the unlock checkbox, then edit the amount
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