Darwin Cloud

How Do I Modify and Save Property Information

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Using the save and cancel buttons

When user first open a property, the save and cancel buttons are disabled because nothing has been changed yet in the property

To modify a property, open any property in the Properties page.

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click search button to locate the property
  3. Enter a portion of the property address, click enter
  4. Click the property address to open
  1. See that save is disabled
  2. See that cancel is disabled

When user modify anything in the property record, all the buttons at the top of the screen are disabled except Properties button and all the sub-menus are disabled except the screen you are current using.

The save and cancel buttons are active because user have to choose either to save or cancel the changes made in the property. At this point user have to click either save or cancel to move to any other screen in darwin Cloud

  1. To save the changes made, click the save button
  2. If user click cancel, all changes will not be saved, and the fields that has been modified will return to their original values

To modify the property address:

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click search button to locate the property
  3. Enter a portion of the property address, click enter
  4. Click the property address to open
  1. Click the Property address blue link
  2. In the pop-up window 'edit address', modify the address
  3. Click Save

User can make multiple changes on a given page before clicking the save button.

  1. Click save

After saving the changes made to the Properties > Basics page, all the buttons at the top of the screen will be enabled, including all the submenus.

To modify data on any other submenu, for instance commission data:

  1. Click the Commission submenu
  2. Make some changes in the details of Commission page
  3. Click the save button to save the changes made

How to use the different data entry fields in darwin Cloud

There are different types of data entry fields that are used throughout darwin Cloud. Here is a list of the common data entry fields and how to use them.

Textbox field where user type in the field to enter the value

Drop-down list where user have to select a predetermined value from the list.

Checkbox check in the box to indicate true or false

Date field this field is quite flexible user can use it in two ways:

  1. Type date in the field, or
  2. Click the calendar button & select the date

On the left side of the calendar, scroll up and down or click to choose the month or year. Today is used to select the current date.

How to add data to a list

There are many places in darwin Cloud where user need to create lists of data. User have a list of features for a property, list of room dimensions, or a list of sellers or agents involved in a sale.

Add a list of remarks

Under Features submenu, there is a good example of how you may add multiple items to a property list.

For example, user can add multiple: remarks, features, and room dimensions).

To add a remark to the list of remarks:

  1. Click Features submenu
  2. Click the + button next to remark
  3. Select the remark type from the drop-down list
  4. Type the remark text in the field
  5. Click the save button

To add multiple items in remark, just click the + button and repeat the steps.

  1. Click the + button next to remark
  2. Select the remark type from the drop-down list
  3. Type the remark text in the field
  4. Click the save button

Add a list of the agents on a transaction

Under Agents submenu, user may add multiple agents to the lists of listing agent and buyer agent.

To add multiple one for more listing agent:

  1. Click Agents submenu
  2. Click the + button listing agent
  3. Click the magnifying glass button to search for the agent from the search list
    • for instance, Amy Dawson was added as the agent
  4. Click the save button

Add a list of buyers and sellers to a property

Under People submenu, you may add multiple people to a property like: seller, buyer, and partner/vendor.

To add multiple items in seller:

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click the + button next to seller
  1. Type a portion of the seller's name
  2. Click search
  3. Click seller's name

Add escrow checks and deposits

To add Escrow checks and Escrow deposits.

  1. Click Escrow submenu
  2. Click the deposit button
  3. Select the bank account from the drop-down list
  4. Use the magnifying glass button to locate escrow payee
    • a new window will appear please fill out accordingly
  5. Enter check number
  6. Enter date by typing date or by clicking the calendar button
  7. Enter amount
  8. Click post

The new escrow deposit will be added.

To add an Escrow check

  1. Click Escrow submenu
  2. Click the check button
  3. Select the bank account from the drop-down list
  4. Use the magnifying glass button to locate escrow payee
    • a new window will appear please fill out accordingly
  5. Enter check number
  6. Enter date by typing date or by clicking the calendar button
  7. Enter amount
  8. Click post

The new Escrow check will be added.

If user want to add more escrow checks, just click the deposit or check button then repeat the steps.

Using a screen with many different data entry types

Enter gross commission

In the Commission submenu, there are a variety of data entry tools to use:

  1. Textbox.  Where user can enter selling price, gross commission, etc.
  2. Lists. Where user can enter all the people getting commission on the transaction
    • Click + button to add more items on the list of agents or referral companies
  3. Hyperlink name. Whenever user see a persons name underlined and in blue font in darwin Cloud
    • this is a hyperlink that lets user jump to the details of the person or property profile

Using textboxes with protected data

In the Agent Net List and Agent Net Sell submenus, the textbox functions slightly differently.

These screens are designed so that textbox values cannot be changed. Textbox can be unlocked by clicking the checkbox.

Normally, the values in the textbox are calculated automatically and should not be entered manually. User may click the recalculate button to update the values on the page.

You are done. Great job!

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