Darwin Cloud

How To Close/Post a Property (Transaction)

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The commission post page in darwin Cloud is where you will close all your transactions. When you click the post button on the Post submenu. Below are the things that will happen upon posting:

  • All the commission income and expenses are posted to your AccountTECH financial reports
  • Commission checks are direct deposited (or printed, depending on user preference)
  • The closed transaction is sent to your franchise
  • Agent performance metrics & agent 1099 data are updated
  • Deposits are recorded
  • Agent invoice balances due are updated by the amount withheld from the closing
  • Franchise payments due are posted as expenses to be paid
  • Override dues to recruiters or managers are posted as expenses to be paid

The three critical topics in darwin Cloud Commission posting:

  • features available on the page
  • step-by-step on how to close a transaction
  • accounting entries created when Posting – in detail

Architecture of the Commission post screen

When the post screen first open, users can click notes button to search for notes that they are likely to want to be reminded about before proceeding with this closing. These notes include:

  1. property commission notes
  2. agent commission notes before closing
  3. seller referral notes before closing
  4. buyer referral notes before closing
  1. At the top of the screen is a hyperlink that displays the total amount of the commission deposit for the closing (invoice order total).  Click the hyperlink to see a preview of all the accounting entries that will be made when you post this closing.  User can see the GL Accounts that will be used, the agents & the amounts.
  1. In the middle of the screen is a list of all the checks that need to be written for the closing – organized by type.
  2. When viewing the agent checks, you see a hyperlink for the agent’s name.  Click the agent’s name to jump to their profile.
  3. The hyperlink for the amount will show you a preview of the accounting entry/ies that will be made, when you post this transaction, that affects the commission expense.
  4. Next to the amount, there are two check boxes that allows users to instruct darwin Cloud to direct deposit the agent’s commission immediately or the print the agent a commission check. However, users will not be able to click on the direct deposit check box. The command to direct deposit the checks lies on the "Direct deposit or Write Checks now" check box. Once this is checked and filled in, the check box for the direct deposit will be marked.

Usually there are more than just commission checks that needs to be written when processing a closing.  On this screen you will also see the information for commission payments to:

  1. referral companies/ cobroke offices
  2. 3rd party payments paid out of the agent’s net earnings
  3. override payment payments to recruiters, managers, etc
  4. extra voucher which additional payments needed to pay your franchise, etc
  5. non-taxable reimbursements that need to be paid out of the commission deposit

Closing a transaction. Step-by-Step

Step 1

  1. Select the post date for accounting that you want for the closing to “hit” your financial statement and report to your franchise.
    • Remember that you can back-date a closing into the prior month if needed.  
  2. How much is in escrow held (if any)
  3. How much is being collected in transaction fees
  4. Reimbursements collected if there is
  5. Check the total balance due

Step 2

 If user wants to direct deposit commission or print checks now

  1. Check the box for Direct Deposit of Write checks now ?
  2. Choose a bank account and checks / direct deposits date 
  • For each agent or company being paid on this closing, decide if they should be paid by direct deposit or check.  The items you don’t select will stay in darwin Cloud as unpaid bills for you to pay later.
  • If you are holding escrow money, you may make an online transfer of the escrow funds to your operating account as part of the commission earned.
  1. Click the checkbox for Write Escrow check paid to Company for Commission to have darwin Cloud automatically record that escrow bank account withdrawal.

Step 3

  • Record the payments received for this closing. If you haven’t yet received the commission proceeds, then leave this section blank and darwin Cloud will record the closing and create a receivable that you can record later when the payment comes in
  • Most offices do a “lump sum” deposit of all their payments for the day on a single deposit slip. If that is how your office handles deposits, then darwin Cloud will “remember” your receipts and prompt you to add them to a deposit at the end of the day.

If your office makes a unique deposit for each closing

  1. Click the check box for Record Payments received ? and darwin Cloud will record the deposit for you.

Automatic accounting entries made when you POST a closing

The following entries are created automatically in darwin Cloud.  

Here is a list of all the accounting entries made when you close a transaction (if they apply to the closing)

  1. Commissions Receivable invoice is created that records all the income on the closing. The income is coded to the accounts you setup in darwin Cloud and is further coded to both the correct Office (and optionally the Division) for P&L by Office or Division
  2. If Commission payments are received, the Commission Receivable created in #1 is paid. Accounts Receivable is credited and Deposits in Transit is debited
  3. If you have selected to record a unique deposit for the closing, a Deposit is created that debits your commission bank account and credits Deposits in Transit
  4. Accounts Payable are created that records ALL the expense to every Agent and Company being paid on the closing. The expense is coded to the accounts you setup in darwin Cloud and is further coded to both the correct Office (and optionally the Division) for P&L by Office or Division.
  5. If you elected to pay any of the commissions, referral companies, over-rides, etc… by Direct deposit, the Accounts Payable is marked as paid. The direct deposit transfer is sent to your bank. Your bank account register shows a check for the payment and Accounts Payable is reduced.
  6. If you elected to pay any of the commissions, referral companies, over-rides, etc… by check, the Accounts Payable is marked as paid. Your bank account register shows a check for the payment and Accounts Payable is reduced. darwin Cloud then prints the check for you.
  7. If the agent had a commission deduction for unpaid bills, the payment is recorded as a credit to the Accounts Receivable due from the agent. On the balance sheet Accounts Receivable is reduced. The agent’s earnings are recorded separately from their commission check (which was reduced because they owe money) and saved in the event that your company issues 1099 based on earnings instead of “take-home” pay.
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