Darwin Cloud

eRelocation Field List

Updated on

Active Timestamp (ActiveTimestamp)

Agent 1 Bonus (Agent1BonusDollars)

Agent 1 Commission (Agent1CommDollars)

Agent 1 Company ID (Agent1CompanyID)

Agent 1 Email Address (Agent1EmailAddress)

Agent 1 Name (Agent1Name)

Agent 1 Office ID (Agent1OfficeID)

Agent 1 Office Name (Agent1OfficeName)

Agent 1 Third Party Email Override (Agent1ThirdPartyIDEmailOverride)

Agent 1 Third Party ID (Agent1ThirdPartyID)

Agent 2 Bonus (Agent2BonusDollars)

Agent 2 Commission (Agent2CommDollars)

Agent 2 Third Party ID (Agent2ThirdPartyID)

Book Of Business (BookOfBusiness)

Book Of Business ID (BookOfBusinessID)

Broker ID (BrokerID)

Broker Name (BrokerName)

Broker to Broker Referral Fee (B2BFeeDollars)

Broker to Broker Referral Percentage (B2BFeePct)

Closing Comments (ClosingComments)

Closing Date (ClosingDate)

Closing Price (ClosingPrice)

Commission Split (CommissionSplit)

Commission Split ID (CommissionSplitID)

Created By (CreatedBy)

Created Date (CreationDate)

Custom Closing Flag 1 (CustomClosingFlag1)

Custom Closing Flag 2 (CustomClosingFlag2)

Custom Closing Flag 3 (CustomClosingFlag3)

Custom Closing Flag 4 (CustomClosingFlag4)

Custom Closing Flag 5 (CustomClosingFlag5)

Custom Closing Flag 6 (CustomClosingFlag6)

Custom Closing Flag 7 (CustomClosingFlag7)

Custom Closing Flag 8 (CustomClosingFlag8)

Custom Flag 1 (CustomFlag1)

Custom Flag 10 (CustomFlag10)

Custom Flag 11 (CustomFlag11)

Custom Flag 12 (CustomFlag12)

Custom Flag 13 (CustomFlag13)

Custom Flag 14 (CustomFlag14)

Custom Flag 2 (CustomFlag2)

Custom Flag 3 (CustomFlag3)

Custom Flag 4 (CustomFlag4)

Custom Flag 5 (CustomFlag5)

Custom Flag 6 (CustomFlag6)

Custom Flag 7 (CustomFlag7)

Custom Flag 8 (CustomFlag8)

Custom Flag 9 (CustomFlag9)

Customer Home Phone (CustomerHomePhone)

Customer Other Phone (CustomerOtherPhone)

Customer Prior Cell Phone (CustomerPriCell)

Customer Prior Email (CustomerPriEmail)

Customer Prior Work Phone (CustomerPriWorkPhone)

Customer Secondary Email (CustomerSecEmail)

Customer Secondary Work Phone (CustomerSecWorkPhone)

Customer Seconday Cell Phone (CustomerSecCell)

Display Name (DisplayName)

Escrow Company (EscrowCo)

Estimated Property Value (BMAValue)

Expiration Date (ExpirationDate)

Function Commission (FunctionCommission)

Home Warranty Company (HomeWarrantyCo)

Incoming Or Outgoing (IncomingOrOutgoing)

Insurance Company (InsuranceCo)

Last Edited By (LastEditedBy)

Last Edited Date (LastEditedDate)

List Date (ListedDate)

List Price (ListedPrice)

Mailing Address (MailAddress)

Mailing City (MailCity)

Mailing County (MailCountryName)

Mailing County (PropertyCounty)

Mailing Zip Code (MailZip)

Mailing Zip State (MailState)

MLS Number (MLSNumber)

Mortgage Comments (MortgageComments)

Mortgage Company (MortgageCo)

Other Firm Address (OtherFirmAddress)

Other Firm City (OtherFirmCity)

Other Firm Name (OtherFirmName)

Other Firm State (OtherFirmState)

Other Firm Third Party ID (OtherFirmThirdPartyID)

Other Firm Zip (OtherFirmZip)

Pending Timestamp (PendingTimestamp)

Prior File Number (PriFileNum)

Private Comments (PrivateComments)

Property Address (PropertyAddress)

Property City (PropertyCity)

Property Country Name (PropertyCountryName)

Property State (PropertyState)

Property Subvision (PropertySubdivision)

Property Zip Code (PropertyZip)

Referral 2 Fee (ReloFee2Dollars)

Referral 2 Fee Percentage (ReloFee2Pct)

Referral 3 Fee  (ReloFee3Dollars)

Referral 3 Fee Percentage (ReloFee3Pct)

Referral 4 Fee (ReloFee4Dollars)

Referral 4 Fee Percentage (ReloFee4Pct)

Referral 5 Fee (ReloFee5Dollars)

Referral 5 Fee Percentage (ReloFee5Pct)

Referral 6 Fee (ReloFee6Dollars)

Referral 6 Fee Percentage (ReloFee6Pct)

Referral Comments (ReferralComments)

Referral Fee (ReloFee1Dollars)

Referral Fee Percentage (ReloFee1Pct)

Referral ID (RefID)

Referral Key ID (RefSeqID)

Referral Source (ReferralSource)

Referral Source ID (ReferralSourceID)

Referring Agent Name (ReferringAgentName)

Referring Agent Phone Number (ReferringAgentPhone)

Registered Customer (RegisteredCustomer)

Renter (Renter)

Secondary File Number (SecFileNum)

Secondary First Name (SecondaryFirstName)

Secondary Last Name (SecondaryLastName)

Seller 1 First Name (FirstName)

Seller 1 Last Name (LastName)

Side Of Deal (SideOfDeal)

Stage (Stage)

Stage ID (StageID)

Status (Status)

Status ID (StatusID)

  • 2-Acitive
  • 3-Dead Counts
  • 4-Closed
  • 5-Pending
  • 6-On hold
  • 7-Listed
  • 8-Mistake
  • 9-Dead - Don't Count

Subsource (Subsource)

Subsource ID (SubsouceID)

Third Party Fee Dollars (ThirdPartyFeeDollars)

Third Party Fee Percentage (ThirdPartyFeePct)

Third Party Referral ID (ThirdPartyRefID)

Title Company (TitleCo)

Total Gross Commission (TotalGrossCommission)

Transaction Address (TransactionAddress)

Transaction City (TransactionCity)

Transaction State (TransactionState)

Transaction Zip Code (TransactionZip)

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