dash delivers technology with functionality far beyond what Crest EDG 3PI users had available in the past. Since AccountTECH has always been focused on profitability & efficiency, we are integrating full dash technology into our latest software. In this article we are going to cover the best features of dash from AccountTECH's point-of-view. We certainly don't know the full feature set of dash, but from our perspective as "bean counters" and software developers, we can share the features we find most useful to our new software: darwin Cloud
The features we are going to highlight include BOTH dash technical capacity & AccountTECH's instantiation of dash's technical capacity:
- two-way communication
- submit on demand
- real-time submission feedback
- photo URL for marketing listings
- property edit options for meeting the dash submission requirements
two-way communication
In the past, using 3rd party integrators and their clients were essentially limited to one way communication. With that limitation, the data flow was:
MLS > AccountTECH > Crest EDG > website and other marketing organizations
Users had to be careful not to modify Transaction or Agent records in Crest EDG because later changes in AccountTECH would "overwrite" changes that had been made manually in Crest EDG. dash entirely solves this dilemma.
Everytime AccountTECH communicates with dash, it first checks dash for any modifications made manually in dash by anyone in your company. If AccountTECH finds changes to property or people records that we do not know about, then we download those changes and store them in AccountTECH before sending our updates to dash.
This means that if an agent or staff member modifies a property record directly, then that modification will be transferred into AccountTECH and saved. Using this new feature in dash means that we don't have to control where users & staff edit records. If they modify something in dash instead of using AccountTECH, their changes will be preserved and AccountTECH will reflect their edits.
submit on demand
darwin Cloud is the version name of the newest software from AccountTECH. This release includes complete dash integration and takes advantage of this fantastic feature for real-time submission.
What this means is that any user can click a button within darwin Cloud that will immediately send the record to dash AND provide instant feedback on the success or failure of the transmission.
Let's think about a couple of simple examples where this will be helpful:
example 1: An agent just updated the photos on a listing, and they want the latest photos from MLS to be transferred from MLS to AccountTECH and dash. Using two new features in darwin Cloud, your staff person can enter the MLS # in the Pull & Push screen in darwin Cloud. The software will then reach into MLS & grab the latest pictures (plus any other changes they made) and pull them into darwin Cloud & immediately transfer them to dash, all with a single button click. dash will then process the new information and provide immediate feedback that the property & photos were successfully processed into dash.
example 2: It is the end of the month, and one of your last closings of the month is not showing up in ePay. Now using darwin with dash technology, you can open the property in darwin and click the submit button. This will immediately send the closed transaction to dash, and in response, dash will tell you the reason they are not accepting the record. Let's say that dash noticed the listing date or pending date were AFTER the closing date, so dash rejects the closing data. Empowered with that information, you can simply correct the dates and then click the submit button again and get confirmation from dash that your closing has been accepted. The property will now go to ePay & your agent will receive their award credit.
real-time submission feedback
For the staff at AccountTECH, our favorite feature in dash is the real-time submission feedback. As you can see from the two examples above, there is great convenience and peace-of-mind when you can know for certain how your transaction records and agent records are being processed by dash.
For instance, when you hire a new Agent, it is critical that their information gets transferred to dash so that they can begin receiving all the benefits of being associated with your brand. Also, you will want them to start displaying at your company website right away. So after you add a new Agent to darwin Cloud, you may want to click submit right away and see that you have filled in all the required fields.
photo URL for marketing your listings
Managing photos and transferring them from MLS to dash is now much faster for users.
dash has been changed so that AccountTECH no longer transfers actual photos from AccountTECH to dash. Instead, we now transfer a URL that points to the storage location of the photo.
Many MLS systems around the country now provide a URL that points to the property photo stored with the MLS. dash requires AccountTECH to send the URL path to the photo in lieu of the actual photo, which is much faster and less prone to file corruption. Still, there are a lot of MLS systems that do not have the technology to share photo URL and they still require AccountTECH to download all the photo files and store them. Since dash no longer accepts the transfer of photo files, here is what we do:
darwin Cloud grabs the photo file from the MLS and stores it in AccountTECH storage. Next it creates a URL path that points to the photo in AccountTECH storage. Finally, it transmits the URL path at AccountTECH to dash for marketing purposes.
Users log into darwin Cloud and manually upload photos for a property. It creates a URL path that points to the photo in AccountTECH storage, then transmits the URL path to dash for marketing purposes.
For Agent photos uploaded in darwin Cloud, they are managed the same way. AccountTECH stores the agent photo. Then we create a URL that points to the photo and we transmit the URL to dash
property edit options
One convenience option in Users log into darwin Cloud and manually upload photos for a property is a change to property edit rules. Because all AccountTECH software products have always included integrated accounting, in the past there have been rules locking down property records after the transactions are closed. darwin Cloud 's structure is completely different. Now user can modify any aspect of a property record no matter what the status.
After a closing (or at any time), user can modify a record to have the exact award credit percentages or other values so that the transaction is represented to franchise in the exact way user want it to appear, even if it is already POST to your financials.
This is enabled through in depth audit trails (of everything) in darwin Cloud. So the financial records now have their own complete audit trail, and there is no longer a need for the transaction records to serve as "back-up" for the financial entries.
Change anything you want on a property record, and darwin Cloud will maintain complete integrity on your related financial entries.