Darwin Cloud

Balance Sheet Supporting Documents/Reports

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Balance Sheet reports are supported with these related reports:

  1. Profit and Loss report
  2. Receivables reconciliation summary report
  3. Payables reconciliation summary report

Profit and Loss tie-out to Balance Sheet

  1. Run the Profit and Loss report for this year with a date range from January 1 until the date of your Balance sheet.
  2. The Net Profit on the Profit and Loss ;
  3. will balance to the Current Year Earnings at the end of your Balance Sheet.

Receivables reconciliation summary

  1. Run the Receivables reconciliation summary thru the date of your Balance sheet.
  2. The total amount at the bottom of the Receivables reconciliation summary ;
  3. will balance with the Accounts Receivable balance in the Asset section of your Balance Sheet.

Payables reconciliation summary

  1. Run the Payables reconciliation summary thru the date of your Balance sheet.
  2. The total amount at the bottom of the Payables reconciliation summary ;
  3. will balance to the Accounts Payable balance in the Liability section of your Balance Sheet.
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