Darwin Cloud

darwin Cloud appFiles API Integration

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appFiles and darwin Cloud's API engine make it possible to import key information from the AccountTECH Form in appfiles into darwin Cloud. Fields that can be pulled from appFiles include estimated closing date, selling price, contract date, seller info, buyer info, commission info, title company, and many more.

We match the darwin Cloud property to the appFiles record using the appFiles Record ID.

AccountTECH is only able to pull data from the form that appfiles creates for you.  We are not able to pull roster information or information in any other part of the file.

appFiles does not pull any information or files back from darwin Cloud

Getting Started

  • Send an email to [email protected]  to get them to enable the AccountTECH Form in appFiles.  
    • Please note: as appFiles is designed to integrated with state forms,
      • The address will need to be broken up manually in appfiles as the state forms will have 123 mains street SE Orlando, FL 20392 and accounttech needs separate fields for address, city, state and zip
      • The First and last name of the buyer and seller will come in one field (client name) not 2
    • You can request additional fields be added to the appfiles but some of those fields may need to manually filled in in appfiles
appFiles Entry form
  • Once this is created and you have approved the form, appFiles will send the connection url to [email protected] for each of your appFiles offices and AccountTECH will set up the integration with this custom form.  
  • You will want to confirm the email address you have for your agents in darwin Cloud match the emails that are in appFiles, as this is how we match your agents to their properties.

If you add, remove or change fields on the form after the feed has been set up please notify [email protected] as we will need to update your feed

How to pull NEW records in darwin Cloud

From the property Screen

  1. Click new
  2. Select 'add property from feeds'
  3. Click Start

In the "Add new property from feeds" window:

  1. Set feed dropdown to APP FILES feed for the office the property is in appFiles
  2. In search by, type part of the address you want to pull
  3. Select the record in the found properties list
  4. Click pull
  1. When the feed is done running you will see this message
  2. Click Close and you will be taken to the newly created record.

Updating Existing records

If you have the listing in from the mls feed and  you want to update the property record with information from appFiles, go to the property record in darwin Cloud

  1. Click link
  2. Select the appFiles feed
  3. Edit the search by, include the street number and name
  4. Select the appFiles record
  5. Click Pull

Default Mapping

The list below indicates the name of the field in appfiles (left) that data is pulled from, and the name of the field in darwin Cloud (right) that the data will be pulled into:

HOWEVER since each from is custom there may be some variation in your mapping

appfiles - darwin Cloud

Record ID - appFileID

escrow agent company - buyer side person

home warranty company - buyer side person

title company name - buyer side person

Buyer 1 Name -buyers

Buyer 2 Name - buyers

inspector name -buyer side person

lender company name - buyer side person

loan officer name - buyer side person

City - city

total commission to sell side - cobrokecommrate

Sale price - commissionPrice

Closing date - estimatedClosingDate

total commission to list side - listCommRate

listing contract date - listDate

list price - listingPrice

listing agent email - listingSideAgents1

MLS Number - MLS Number 1

purchase contract date - pendingDate

Record ID - propertyTypeID

referral company name 2 - referrals

referral company name 1 - referrals

total commission to sell side - sellCommRate

seller name 1 - sellers

seller name 2 - sellers

Sale price - sellingPrice

State - state

Closing date - statusID (if closing date or pending date is filled in we assume the status is pending otherwise we treat it as active)

Property Address - streetName (the whole street number and adddress, not including the city state zip, gets put in the street name field)

Subdivision - subDivision

Zip -zip

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