Darwin Cloud

Validation Failed: The element "Listing" in namespace 'http://rfg.realogy.com/Btt/Listingfeed/Import/2016/07.dashImportListingResidentialSchema' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'ListingOffice' in namespace 'http://rfg.re

Updated on

The Validation error occurs when a user is submitting a property record in dash via batch submission. It is usually a long error for a bad elements in the Listing Schema.

Please try to resubmit the affected record via realtime submission to see the realtime submission error translated in human language.

  1. Click Properties
  2. Click search to locate the property
  3. Click submission
  4. Click submit
  5. Click close


The error occurs when the listing agent is missing for a listing.

darwin Cloud is using the Agent's MLS ID from the MLS listing to assign it to the correct agent and then assign it to the correct office.

NOTE: This error usually happens on transactions that are imported from MLS, wherein the agent added to the transaction does not have the Agent MLS ID entered in darwin Cloud and is not attaching the agent to the property.

Follow the steps below on how to fix it:

  1. Review the property
    1. Click Properties
    2. Click search to locate the property
    3. Click Basics
    4. Take note of the Transaction Type (OL, OS, IH)
    5. Check if an agent is assigned to the transaction
  1. Click History
  2. Take note from which feed ID the property was imported from
  1. Check in the MLS if an agent is added to the listing
    1. If agent is added to the listing in the MLS:
      1. Click People menu
      2. Click search to locate the person profile
      3. Click People links
      4. Confirm MLS ID is entered and is correct
  1. If agent is not added in the MLS:
    1. Click plus button next to MLS ID
    2. Select MLS source
    3. Select MLS sub source
    4. Enter MLS ID
    5. Click add
  1. Re-pull the transaction to update the record
    1. Click Properties
    2. Click search to locate the property
    3. Click refresh
    4. Select MLS Feed the property will be pulled from
    5. Confirm property MLS number
    6. Click Pull
    7. Click submit
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