Darwin Cloud

Commercial Leases Not Sending to Dash

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Anywhere Real Estate Inc. has special rules governing commercial leases that do not allow them to be submitted through 3PI services such as AccountTECH.

There are several considerations and steps that must be done if users want to market these Lease Listings on the Brand's website and report the income to Dash.

Marketing on the Brand website

If the users want the listing to be marketed on the brand's website(s) the listing should be manually added in Dash.

To do this:

  1. Go to Dash
  2. Add the Commercial Leases Listings to the Listing Management Module (LMA)
  3. Add the photos manually

When the Commercial Lease is no longer active and there is no need for the listings to be marketed on the website (the listing has been closed, withdrawn or expired) users will need to go into the LMA and withdraw the listing to get it off the website.

Reporting Closings to Dash

When the Commercial Lease closes and users want to report the income to Dash, they will need to withdraw the listing in Dash manually and close the property as Commercial Other Income in darwin Cloud.

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