Darwin Cloud

Person or Businessentity information should be supplied for the seller provided occurs when there are missing information for the buyer/seller associated with the transaction.

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The submission error: Person or Businessentity information should be supplied for the seller provided occurs when a buyer or seller Person name or Business Entity information is missing. The person's name should fill in with the first and the last name separately.

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click People basics
  3. Use search button to locate the buyer/seller
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  4. Fill in the First Name field with a period (.) or as long as the first name and last name are filled in
  5. Click save

Go to the Property then "submit"

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Use search button to locate the buyer/seller
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click People submenu
  4. Check seller/buyer is filled in correctly
  5. Click submit
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