Unposting Accounts Payable Payment

This error occurs when a user is trying to unpost or modify a voucher, an invoice, a deposit or a check and the posted date is within the accounting locked period.
To fix
- Click Ledger
- Click Periods
- Choose company from the dropdown list
- Enter a new lock date
- Click save
- Click yes
NOTE: Enter a lock date that is earlier than the post date.
Unposting inter-company Accounts Payable Payment
- This is not an error.
- This a restriction or a validation for companies that use inter-company billing in darwin Cloud.
- This is to avoid creating duplicate inter-company invoices.
Example scenario:
When a user creates a voucher in Company A and enabled the inter-company by checking the box, it means that the user can add or enter some vouchers details expense to Company B.
When a user hit "Invoice Now", an inter-company voucher created in Company B and an inter-company billing created in Company A.
When an inter-company voucher in Company B gets paid, it also created AP payment and AR payment in Company A.
Once AR payment is created in Company A, receivable will be deposited in the bank
However, if Company B unposted the AP payment and deleted it, created a new one and posted it again, it will trigger to create an AR payment in Company A - then there's a duplicate AR payment now in Company A for the same voucher.