Darwin Cloud

darwin.cloud Training Resources

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The darwin Training Resource Center serves as a guide for new users. These videos will introduce new users to darwin Cloud and help them become familiar with darwin Cloud and what their job will look like in the new software.

darwin User Training Tasks - Each Training Task is used to promote comfort for a new user and to prove that a new user is able to perform their day to day tasks in darwin Cloud. A list of Training Tasks, chosen based on what the user does for their organization, will be given to new users by the System Administrator.

New users are encouraged to complete these training tasks in the practice environment as much as they want. Repetitive actions promote comfort levels in a new software program.

To see the list of Training Tasks, the description and the steps to be performed, users will have to go to https://accounttech.screenstepslive.com/:

  1. Click the darwin Cloud Training Resource Center
  2. Click on darwin user Training Tasks to display all 16 articles
  3. Click one of the Training Tasks from the list

Each task has a short video showing the user how to perform each task.

There is a report in darwin Cloud that tracks each user's progress.

  1. Click the Reports menu
  2. Click Goals on the right
  3. Double click the Certification Functional Test Results by Role report
  4. Click preview
  5. The report will open in a new tab with the list of users and the Training Tasks assigned to them. Use the page buttons to search for a specific user.

Weekly Live Q&As is another tool that we offer customers. AccountTECH hosts live Q&A's for anyone to attend, every day of the week. You will see that there is a General Q&A, Accounting Q&A, Integration Q&A (MLS, Dotloop, etc.) and an Email Campaign Q&A. Each Q&A is offered for existing customers and new customers alike. You may either register in advance in order to receive email reminders or click directly on the link to join on the day/time of the training.

  1. Click the Weekly Live Q&As to display all the available Q&As
  2. Click the first link to register for the Q&A and receive an email reminder with the link to the meeting on the day of the Q&A
  3. Click the link with name of the Q&A to log directly into the meeting, no registration needed
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