Darwin Cloud

Import Payroll Expenses

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Now, you can import your payroll expenses into darwin Cloud.

No matter what payroll service you use, they all offer an excel export of the payroll expenses, liabilities and cash withdrawals that were made for each payroll period.  

Virtually every payroll service company has an export function, that you can run at the end of each week, to export all the accounting records for your payroll.

darwin Cloud lets you import that payroll file, so that all your payroll expenses are correctly expensed to your profit and loss reports.

Import your payroll reports on the Journal menu

  1. Click Ledger menu
  2. Click Journal submenu
  3. Click new
  4. From the new window, choose company
  5. Enter reference
  6. Choose journal date using the calendar icon

Once Journal entry has been created, (8) click the import button at the top of the screen.  From this screen, user imports the excel file that the payroll company provided.  

  1. For starters, if the Payroll company's export is not in exactly the format required by darwin, user can Download template from darwin Cloud. This will save the excel template to the  user's computer.

When user open the file, it's a pretty standard spreadsheet with not too many columns.  If the payroll company export is in exactly this format, user can just import it "as is".

  1. The first column is for the office to charge. Make sure user enters only offices that are in the company selected for this journal entry.  Also, probably the most important thing is to spell the office name exactly as it's spelled in darwin Cloud
  2. The next column is for the account number. Use any liability or expense account to use from Chart of Accounts in darwin. And of course, one of the lines will be the GL account for the bank account where the funds will be withdrawn
  3. In the memo reference column user can enter anything
  4. For the debit and credit columns, darwin follows all the GAP accounting rules that every accountant knows. Bank withdrawals and liabilities in the credit column. Expenses in the debit column
  5. In the  last column, you put the name of payroll supplier.  Make sure payroll supplier has been added as a supplier in darwin. And make sure to spell their name exactly

Once the payroll file is in the right format. It's time to import the file.

  1. Click the button Select files...
  1. Browse to the file  needs to import and select it
  2. Click Open

As the file is importing, darwin Cloud is evaluating each line in the import file.  

  1. If there are any issues with any lines in the file, user will see this on the screen
    • This gives user the chance to fix the excel file and try again
    • darwin Cloud does not import files with any issues
    • Every row in the spreadsheet has to be correct or else the entire file will fail to import
  2. When the file is finished uploading, user can scroll thru the records that were imported.
  3. User can see on this file there were no error messages
  4. Click add to insert these records into your journal entry
  1. Click post
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