Darwin Cloud

REP Cubes - Report Cubes

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REP Cubes or Report Cubes is the source of the darwin Cloud reports. It stores and updates information for the report needed. Reports that run using the source - calculated usually relies on REP Cubes.

In order for reports open as quickly as they do, edits in that will affect reports are stored in REP Cubes in darwin Cloud. REP Cubes are updated nightly with information from that day but there are times where a darwin Cloud user may need immediate changes to report data. There are two options for that - a darwin Cloud user may run the report using Live data (which may take some time to run) OR user may update the REP cubes manually.

To update REP cubes in darwin Cloud:

  1. Click Reports
  2. Click REP Cubes
  3. Select which data to update
  4. Select the update type: incremental or full
  5. Click update
  6. If user wants to update all REP Cubes, do not select any and click update all

Some users might not have access to REP Cubes and the full update type. To give a user access to these, go to Security menu > Roles. Select which role the user has and under action tab of that role, the not selected, select Reports > REP cubes and Reports > REP cubes > Allow full updates. Save.

Update Totals

This feature allows a user to update the totals for all agents in darwin Cloud.

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click the REP Cubes
  3. Click update totals
  4. Click run
  5. Once all records have been updated, click close
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