Darwin Cloud

Agent Pay Bills in darwin Cloud

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darwin Cloud now enables agents to Pay their bills real-time, on-demand in darwin Cloud.

When an agent wants to "settle-up", they can pay by credit card or ACH

Anytime an agent wants to see what they owe & pay their bill, that functionality is available for agents in darwin Cloud. 24/7.

Agents can also add (or update) their own credit card information to darwin Cloud.  When an Agent pays their bill, all of the accounting entries associated with recording a payment are completed for you ... automatically.

Agents can pay their bills online when their logged into darwin Cloud. Here's a step by step process.

  1. Click Tools menu
  2. Click Credit Card / ACH

In submenu Credit Card / ACH, users will be able to view their balance due. Users have two choices, add/update payment method, or they can pay now.

  1. If users already entered their bank and credit card info then it'll show on this screen.

  Agents can add their Credit card and Direct deposit bank info if it is not already here.  

  1. If users want to change, or update either their credit card or Bank info, they can use the small green buttons with the  arrows.
  1. Choose pay by credit card, or pay by ACH
  2. Click Pay $ X,XXX.XX button, to pay the bill

If users only want to partial pay, then, on the left, they can change any of the amounts in the $ Pay Now column. Then pay the adjusted amount.

  1. Change the number to the amount that will be partially paid.
  2. Click Pay $ X,XXX.XX button, to pay the bill

When the agent pays, the merchant services company puts the money in the agent's bank account, and the accounting for their payment is automatically entered into darwin Cloud.

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