Darwin Cloud

Agent Email Campaign History

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Agents can retrieve copies of every email campaign that has ever been sent out

From now on, staff will never need to resend email campaign copies that agents cannot locate.  Everyone that uses email campaigns knows that agents quickly come to depend on email campaigns to deliver important information about commissions earned, CDA forms, hot sheets ... and so many other automated information emails.  

Now, when an agent has mis-placed an email campaign copy, they can go to darwin Cloud, instead of the office staff, to retrieve a copy of every email they have ever received.

darwin Cloud now delivers Email campaign copies to agents. When an agent needs a copy of a commission statement, invoice statement or hot sheet - they will find them all in their campaign history.

There's a pattern that you always see with automatic email campaigns. At first, the staff are so excited that these automatic emails for commission notices or agent bills save them so much time.  

Then, the agents get to like them too. So the agents come to rely on these emails.  What happens if they ever miss one, or it goes to spam or something, they call the staff and ask them to resend the email.

So the staff winds up getting frustrated that the agents don't know how to manage their inbox - and they just resend the notice.

Well this cycle is over.  Now, agents have all their emails in darwin Cloud.

On the (1) Tools menu, there's a new sub menu called (2) Email log

When the agent clicks there, they have a copy of every automatic email darwin ever sent them.

If they click a commission notice. The original email pops up. And its the same with Agent bills or other campaigns that darwin automatically delivered.

So, next time an agent asks you to send them an email copy.  Tell them to log into darwin Cloud.

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