Darwin Cloud

Create Agent Logins in Batch

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To create logins for your agents to darwin cloud, make sure they are in Darwin as people of the type agents and they have an email.

Go to Security and Click agent batch

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Click the new button

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Select the company you want to create the agent users for. You can also choose the office if you want to only create logins for an office. Then click Search

Darwin Cloud (dev) - Google Chrome

Select all or select the specific agents you would like to create logins for

Darwin Cloud (dev) - Google Chrome

Click the exec button to start creating the agents logins

You will return to the agent batch screen and can see the users being created

Click the refresh button to see the progress

Darwin Cloud (dev) - Google Chrome

You can close this window and the process will continue in the background

You can set up a notification to let the Agents know when their login has been created

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