Darwin Cloud

Spotlight: Introducing darwin.Chat

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darwin.Chat is a breakthrough technology that lets you communicate via text message from inside darwin Cloud

Now you can text to anyone from inside darwin Cloud.  Your messages get delivered by text message and people can respond from their phones, and the whole conversation is captured inside darwin Cloud.

Every darwin.Chat message include a link that opens the conversation in a browser on the phone.  This way users can see the whole message thread and respond.

There is no app to download or install.  Anyone who gets a message from darwin.Chat can respond without logging in to darwin Cloud... they don't even need to have a username or be a darwin Cloud user.

The messages you send are linked to what you see on the screen in darwin when you send the message.  So if you are viewing a property in darwin Cloud when you send the message, you chat message will be stored within that property record.

In the company, you are likely not the only that will be chatting about this property.

Another staff person, like the transaction coordinator might ask the agent a question about this property. Or maybe, a compliance officer will send a chat question to the buyer or the home inspector.  With darwin.Chat everyone on your staff can send messages to anyone.

But most importantly, you can read all the messages sent and all the replies, no matter who sent them.

Text anyone from darwin Cloud and get response from their phone and saves back to darwin Cloud

How to use darwin.Chat

Sample: Message an agent about a property that needs an update, and how they reply. This will make your pending cash flow forecast be as accurate as possible.

  1. Search for the property that needs an update
  2. See if an agent is listed
  3. Click the chat icon
    • It will show conversations that anyone in the company is having about the property
  1. Click on the plus button to start a conversation
  1. Enter agent's name
  2. Choose agent from Contacts

Screen will show  "chat about..." and "just chat with..."

  1. Select "chat about..."
    • this is because when a user chat about a property, person, bank deposit or accounts payable voucher, conversation stays with the record and user can view it at a later time
  1. Use chat box to enter message
  2. Click right, green arrow to send

Agent's View

The agent will receive the message on their phone from sender, Darwin Chat (see sample images below)

  1. Open the message from Darwin Chat in the Messages

Upon opening the message the agent can reply using the link sent along the message

  1. Click Darwin.Cloud link to follow the conversation
    • it will open up Darwin Chat in your browser
  2. User can use chat box to enter message or reply
  3. Click right, green arrow to send
    • like any other chat, message will appear in the conversation

Administrator's View

In darwin Cloud, administrator can view messages in Chat menu

  1. Click Chat menu
    • when a new chat comes in, you will notice a green button
    • clicking Chat menu will show chat overview, where user can see all the chats they had with anybody
  2. Scroll down the left panel of the screen and a green button with a number will show the new message received
  3. Click the first line to show the new message from the agent
  1. Click the hyperlink to redirect user to the property

Modify the information

  1. Modify the property based on the update from the agent
  2. Click save
  1. Either from the property chat window or 4. Chat submenu administrator can respond to the agent
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