Darwin Cloud

July 4, 2024 - Hotfix

Updated on

Fixes and Updates


  • This applies to: voucher, invoice, AP payment (edit payments), AR payment (edit payments), check, deposit, and journal searches only
    • Searches will be limited to 3 months of data per company (1 company)
    • When the ID (voucher id, invoice id, check id, prop id) is entered, the company or date limitation does not apply.


  • To proceed with a property search, please make sure to specify a company. Selecting a company is necessary in order to search for a property.
    • Entering the ID (voucher ID, invoice ID, check ID, or property ID) overrides the company or date limitation

REP Cubes

  • When performing manual cube incremental updates, please keep in mind that you can only update each cube once every 8 hours
    • This does not affect automatic updates that happen as part of the campaigns
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