Darwin Cloud

June 2024 - darwin.cloud Updates 

Updated on

Fixes and Updates


  • Dashboard>Spotlights - Budgets tab - the amount is rounding off, that causes to not match on the budget review report
  • Spotlights: Data showing for "all" companies no matter what company and office the user has permission to
  • Spotlights error: The same column with name 'dbName' present in more than one table.


  • Properties > Post > default bank account do not auto-fill in the commission bank account field
  • Properties> Agent Net List/Agent Net Sell: Other Payouts - at times not calculating/deducting from net; showing as 0 for some companies


  • People history not updating properly


  • Agent Billing wizard not invoicing agents with recurring charges that are not on the list of recurring billable items in Settings>Billing
  • Add payments section freezing when processing multiple invoices


  • Check layout issue in Edit Payments when printing checks: Payment showing description as "taxes"


  • When deleting a header account in darwinCloud, the detailed accounts assigned disappear
  • 1099 issue: Restore the alternate amounts in the 1099 batch


  • Bank stream issue: no bank transactions imported or showing in darwin Cloud since 5/18


  • Report: links not working when using send email and preview in Reports
  • Date paid column is missing on raw data lvl 3


  • Company > Spotlights Setup -Link "refresh" button for Agent Spotlight

Campaigns, Letters, Notifications and Chat

  • Notification: Escrow Receipts stop sending after 5/29/2024
  • Notification: Notify to darwin user when paying in bills set up in darwinCloud- need merge field and how it is set up
  • Notification: Everyone Else Invoice Statement report link is NOT displaying correctly for the recipient
  • Custom Person Dashboard Views not displaying all records in darwin cloud
  • Campaign and People -History issue: Active flag is showing as flagged in history when the agent's profile is updated even though it has already been flagged


  • Unable to view office forms in Tools>Office Forms
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