Getting Started
- Send an email to AccountTECH Support stating you would like to turn on the integration
- AccountTECH will send you a list of your active agents with their atGUIDS and emails to send to Skyslope support so Skyslope support can fill in the Public_IDs for your existing agents
- AccountTECH will load the 5 feed templates in to your software
- AccountTECH will schedule a meeting with you to review this article and how you want some of the preferences configured
- Customization information to gather before the class:
- If possible, create an API key in Skyslope and send it to us securely using
- Gather the names of your checklists in Skyslope
- During the class you will let us know what SkySlope checklist goes to which darwin Property Type, Type Code, Transaction Type and Accounting Code
- Once Skyslope has loaded the atGUIDS to your agent's profiles and you have updated any blank or non-unique MLS numbers on your active and pending transactions, we will schedule your feeds.
Create API key in Skyslope
- An AccessKey and Secret are issued for each user. These credentials function as a Username/ Password combo for that user. An AccessKey issued by a user has the same level of privilege and access as that same user would in SkySlope. So authenticating with the AccessKey and Secret of an agent means you can only access the data that agent has access to and follow the same rules that user follows.
- Within SkySlope, click on My Account under the SkySlope menu icon

Once in My Account, click on the Integrations tab.
Click the Generate New Key button. An Access Key and a Secret key will be created and you will see a message similar to the following:
If you don’t see this Generate New Key button then you may be looking at the integrations tab for your broker in the Admin section. You want the integrations tab for your personal account. Look for My Account under the SkySlope menu icon.

You can download your new keys by clicking the Download Key & Secret button. This is the only opportunity you will have to see the Secret Key.
Click the Close button to return to the Access Key list. The new Access Key will show in the list.
If you wish a particular Access Key to be deleted, find the key in the list and click the Delete Key button. You will be prompted to confirm.

Clicking OK will remove the Access Key from your list.
People Import
- Listing and Selling agents from our company
- Are matched to the properties by the agent's Public ID in SkySlope which is filled in with the atguid of the agent in darwin
- When you hire new agents you will add them in darwin, then copy the atguid and paste it into the Public Id field in Skyslope
- For the initial setup we are able to pull the agent roster and send it to you. You will send it to Skyslope Support so they can do a bulk import, which typically takes 3-5 business days

Feed Overview
Skyslope and darwin's API engine have made it possible to pull data from SkySlope into darwin to create new transactions and listings, and add additional information to listings and transactions that were pulled from the MLS, other sources or even manually entered.
Darwin matches the property from Skyslope to the property in darwin by MLS # or the Skyslope Property Email address. This means you will want to make the MLS # in Skyslope be mandatory and you will want to train your agents to make non-MLS listings have unique MLS #s (Fsbo-123 Main Street).
We have set up 3 default Skyslope templates that can be imported and modified to fit your needs:
- Skyslope Properties Active Listings
- This feed updates existing darwin listings
- When pulling on demand you can choose to override this setting and create new listings
- It does not update the status
- The feed is set to fill skyslope values in darwin only if the field is blank in darwin
- Pulls Skyslope Listings where
- Skyslope Status: Active (can pull Canceled Approved, Canceled Pending and Expired)
- the MLS# is not blank, FSBO or Non MLS
- This feed updates existing darwin listings
- Skyslope Pending Listings
- This feed updates existing darwin properties
- When pulling on demand you can choose to override this setting and create new properties
- It does not update the status to pending
- The feed is set to fill skyslope values in darwin only if the field is blank in darwin
- Pulls Skyslope Transactions where
- Skyslope Status: Pending (can pull Canceled Approved, Canceled Pending, Closed, Archived and Expired)
- Pulls Deal Type : Both Listing & Sale or Listing Sold
- MLS# cannot be blank, FSBO or non-MLS
- This feed updates existing darwin properties
- Skyslope Pending Buyer Side
- This feed CREATES NEW darwin properties
- It will create the property in a pending status
- The feed is set to fill Skyslope values in darwin only if the field is blank in darwin
- you can adjust based on the reliability of the data being entered into Skyslope
- Pulls Skyslope Transactions where
- Skyslope Status: Pending (can pull Canceled Approved, Canceled Pending, Closed , Archived and Expired)
- Pulls Deal Type : Sale
- MLS# cannot be blank, FSBO or non-MLS
- This feed CREATES NEW darwin properties
We can import properties in the following statuses: Active, Archived, Canceled Approved, Canceled Pending, Closed, Expired and Pending. The default setup is to import Active and Pending statuses only.
In Skyslope a Pending property will change to an Expired status if the transaction is not closed before the listing date. It is recommended to use Pull on Demand to import properties in an Expired status rather than importing them automatically. This is to prevent unwanted properties in an Expired status from importing to darwin.
In Skyslope a Pending property can change to a Canceled Pending status requiring review to change to a Canceled Approved status. A Canceled Approved status typically means that it is cleared to return the earnest money to the buyer. This status can be imported in darwin to change pending properties to a cancelled status. These statuses can also be used on Active properties in Skyslope to indicate that a property has been withdrawn.
In Skyslope a property may change to a Closed status after it has been reviewed for compliance. Closed statuses can be imported to darwin in a ready to close status to indicate that property is ready to be paid.
In Skyslope a property is typically changed to an Archived status when the property has been closed and paid. It is recommended to import properties in an Archived status using Pull on Demand to prevent unwanted properties from importing to darwin.
Other People in Skyslope
- Other People on the deal that can be pulled from SkySlope into darwin
- People are matched to existing darwin person records by:
- Using the name, email and phone number
- Using the person guid Skyslope assigns to that person
- Additional types or people that are pulled from SkySlope
- Attorney
- Buyer 1
- Escrow Company
- Home Warranty Company
- Lender Company
- Lender Contact
- Seller 1-5
- Title Company
- Title Contact
- People are matched to existing darwin person records by:
Pull Modes
- Full: pulls all records that match the search criteria specified in the merge fields section that were added or modified in SkySlope back to the date/time in the moddate field. If no date is specified, then the date is defaulted to 1 week ago
- Incremental: pulls all records that match the search criteria specified in the merge fields section that were added or modified in SkySlope since the last time the feed was run plus the number of minutes in the moddate field. If the feed runs at 3pm and 6pm and the overlap is set to 30 minutes, when the feed runs at 6pm it will get any records added or edited since 2:30PM.
Pull on Demand
You can use the darwin Pull on Demand feature to import or refresh transactions from Skyslope on demand. From the Properties tab click on "new" and then select "add property from feeds".
You will then select the correct Skyslope feed and enter the property email address from Skyslope. If the checkbox is selected, the feed will create a new property record if one doesn't already exist in darwin.

To refresh a property from Skylope, the Skyslope ID field on the Custom Fields tab needs to be filled in with the property email address from Skyslope.

On the Property page select "Link" and the link property box will open. Select the appropriate Skyslope feed and then the Skyslope email address will fill in automatically. Click pull and then the property page will refresh if the property was linked to Skyslope successfully.
Skyslope to darwin Field Mapping
Here is the list of the Skyslope Fields that are mapped to darwin fields and the default update rules
Skyslope Field Name | Darwin Field Name | updateRule |
Public ID | ListAgent | IF NULL |
Attorney Last Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Buyer1 First Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Checklist Type | propertyTypeID |
Checklist Type | transactionTypeID |
Checklist Type | typeCode |
Checklist Type | Accounting classification |
City | city | IF NULL |
Commission Referral Amount | reflistcommission | ALWAYS |
Commission Referral Percentage | reflistrate | ALWAYS |
Contract Acceptance Date | pendingdate | IF NULL |
Earnest Money Deposit | escrowheld | IF NULL |
EscrowLastName | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Escrow Closing Date | estimatedClosingDate | IF NULL |
Escrow Number | escrowNo | IF NULL |
Expiration Date | expiredDate | IF NULL |
File ID | taxRollNumber | IF NULL |
Home Warranty Company | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Home Warranty Contact | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Lender Company | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Lender Contact | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
List Commission Amount | listcommission | IF NULL |
List Commission Percentage | listcommrate | IF NULL |
Listing Date | listDate | IF NULL |
Listing Guid | SSListingGuid | ALWAYS |
Listing Price | listingPrice | IF NULL |
Loan Amount | loanAmount | ALWAYS |
Misc Contact | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
MLS Number | mlsNumber1 | IF NULL |
Office Guid | companyID | ALWAYS |
Referral Agent Name | propertyPaymentOffTheTop | IF NULL |
Sale Commission Amount | sellcommission | IF NULL |
Sale Commission Percentage | sellcommissionrate | IF NULL |
Sale Guid | SSSaleGuidListSide/SSSaleGuidBuyerSide | ALWAYS |
Sale Price | sellingPrice | IF NULL |
Seller1 First Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Seller2 First Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Seller3 First Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Seller4 First Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Seller5 First Name | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Skyslope Email | skySlopeID | ALWAYS |
State | state | IF NULL |
Status | statusID | IF NULL |
Street Direction | streetDirection | IF NULL |
Street Name | streetName | IF NULL |
Street Number | streetNumber | IF NULL |
Title Company | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Title Contact | propertyPeople | IF NULL |
Zip Code | zip | IF NULL |
SkySlope Field List
Actual Close DAte (Actual_close_date)
Additional_Commission_Breakdown_Info (Additional_Commission_Breakdown_Info)
Address (Address)
Agent Guid (Public_ID)
Attorney Email (AttorneyEmail)
Attorney First Name (AttorneyFirstName)
Attorney ID (Attorney_ID)
Attorney Last Name (AttorneyLastName)
Attorney Phone (AttorneyPhone)
AttorneyCompany (AttorneyCompany)
Buyer1 Company (B1Company)
Buyer1 Email (B1Email)
Buyer1 First Name (B1FirstName)
Buyer1 LastName (B1LastName)
Buyer1 Phone (B1Phone)
Buyer2 FirstName (B2FirstName)
Buyer2 Company (B2Company)
Buyer2 Email (B2Email)
Buyer2 Last Name (B2LastName)
Buyer2 Phone (B2Phone)
Buyer3 Company (B3Company)
Buyer3 Email (B3Email)
Buyer3 First Name (B3FirstName)
Buyer3 Last Name (B3LastName)
Buyer3 Phone (B3Phone)
Buyer4 Company (B4Company)
Buyer4 Email (B4Email)
Buyer4 First Name (B4FirstName)
Buyer4 Last Name (B4LastName)
Buyer4 Phone (B4Phone)
Buyer5 Company (B5Company)
Buyer5 Email (B5Email)
Buyer5 First Name (B5FirstName)
Buyer5 Last Name (B5LastName)
Buyer5 Phone (B5Phone)
City (City)
CoListing Agent 1 Commission Amount (Co1Amount)
CoListing Agent 1 Full Name (Co1FirstName)
CoListing Agent 2 Commission Amount (Co2Amount)
CoListing Agent 2 Full Name (Co2FirstName)
CoListing Agent 3 Commission Amount (Co3Amount)
CoListing Agent 3 Full Name (Co3FirstName)
CoListing Agent 4 Commission Amount (Co4Amount)
CoListing Agent 5 Commission Amount (Co5Amount)
CoListing Agent Full Name (Co5FirstName)
CoListing Agent Full Name (Co4FirstName)
Date Entered (DateEntered)
Date of Check (Date_Of_Check)
Date Posted To Log Book (Date_Posted_To_Log_Book)
DepositAmount (DepositAmount)
Email (Email)
Escrow # (Escrow_#)
Escrow Email (EscrowEmail)
Escrow_ID (Escrow_ID)
EscrowCompany (EscrowCompany)
EscrowFirstName (EscrowFirstName)
EscrowLastName (EscrowLastName)
EscrowPhone (EscrowPhone)
Estimated Close Date (Scheduled_Close_Date)
Expire Date (Listing_Expiration_Date)
File ID (File_ID)
First Name (First_Name)
Home Warranty Company (HWCompany)
Home Warranty ConfirmationNumber (HWConfirmationNumber)
Home Warranty Phone (HWPhone)
Home Warranty RepresnetativeName (HWRepresnetativeName)
Last Name (Last_Name)
Lender Company (LenderCompany)
Lender Email (LenderEmail)
Lender First Name (LenderFirstName)
Lender ID (Lender_ID)
Lender Last Name (LenderLastName)
Lender Phone (LenderPhone)
List Date (List_Date)
List Price (List_Price)
Listing Commission (Listing_Commission)
Loan Amount (LoanAmount)
Loan Type (LoanType)
Miisc Company (MiscCompany)
Misc Contact Type (MiscContactType)
Misc Email (MiscEmail)
Misc Last Name (MiscLastName)
Misc Phone (MiscPhone)
MLS Number (mlsnumber)
Office Gross Commission (Office_Gross_Commission)
Office ID (Office_ID)
Office Lead (Office_Lead)
Office Name (Office_Name)
Other Company (Other_Company)
Other Deduction (Other_Deduction)
Other Email (Other_Email)
Other First Name (Other_First_Name)
Other Last Name (Other_Last_Name)
Other Phone (Other_Phone)
Pending Date (Acceptance_Date)
Phone (Phone)
Referral Percentage (Refering_Percentage)
Referral Agent Name (Refering_Agent_Name)
Referral Amount (Refering_Amount)
Sale Commission (Sale_Commission)
Sale Price (Sale_Price)
Selle31 Last Name (S3LastName)
Seller1 Company (S1Company)
Seller1 Email (S1Email)
Seller1 First Name (S1FirstName)
Seller1 Last Name (S1LastName)
Seller1 Phone (S1Phone)
Seller2 Company (S2Company)
Seller2 Email (S2Email)
Seller2 First Name (S2FirstName)
Seller2 Last Name (S2LastName)
Seller3 Company (S3Company)
Seller3 Email (S3Email)
Seller3 First Name (S3FirstName)
Seller3 Phone (S3Phone)
Seller3 Phone (S2Phone)
Seller4 Company (S4Company)
Seller4 Email (S4Email)
Seller4 First Name (S4FirstName)
Seller4 Last Name (S4LastName)
Seller4 Phone (S4Phone)
Seller5 Company (S5Company)
Seller5 Email (S5Email)
Seller5 First Name (S5FirstName)
Seller5 Last Name (S5LastName)
Seller5 Phone (S5Phone)
Skyslope Lisitng ID (ListingId)
Source (Source)
State (State)
Status (STATUS)
Street Direction (Street_Dir)
Street Name (Street_Name)
Street Number (Street_Number)
Title Company (TitleCompany)
Title Email (TitleEmail)
Title First Name (TitleFirstName)
Title ID (Title_ID)
Title Last Name (TitleLastName)
Title Phone (TitlePhone)
Trans_Coordinator_Fee (Trans_Coordinator_Fee)
Trans_Coordinator_Name (Trans_Coordinator_Name)
Transaction ID (TransactionId)
Type of Propety (Type_of_Property)
Type of Sale (Type_of_Sale)
Zip Code (Zip)