Darwin Cloud

How to Post a Transaction with $0 Commission Received, but Vouchers to be Paid

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When closing a transaction without receiving a commission, darwin Cloud may come up with posting validation error to remind the user that the transaction cannot be posted.

Below are the posting validation errors that a user might encounter:

To post the transaction with 0 commission received, a setting needs to be enabled.

  1. Click Settings menu
  2. Click Setup submenu
  3. Click the application settings tab
  4. Select Property section
  5. Set the value of property Allow post with zero commission to True
  6. Click save

Post the transaction:

  1. Click to Properties menu
  2. Click search button to find the property
  3. Click the Post submenu
  4. Click post

Transaction will be posted successfully.

  1. Users can click the Accounting submenu
  2. Review the Extra Vouchers to be paid
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