Darwin Cloud

How Do I Add an Agent That Is in dash But Not in darwin Cloud

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If an Agent exists in dash but does not exist in darwin Cloud, AccountTECH will add the Agent to darwin Cloud for you, because if this is not done carefully, it will likely create duplicate agent profiles in dash.

Contact AccountTECH Support with Basic Agent Information

In order to sync the profile send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "Sync Agent with dash Profile," and include the following information:

  1. agent's name
  2. agent's office
  3. agent's role
  4. agent's start date
  5. whether the agent is Full-time or Part-time
  6. agent's Address
  7. agent's Phone number
  8. agent's Email address

AccountTECH staff will create a profile for the agent and import the identifiers from dash that are needed to sync the profiles.

Prevent Duplication: A Note of Caution

User may also choose to set up the agent's profile in darwin Cloud and have the AccountTECH support team add the identifiers afterwards. If user does this, do not allow the profile to submit to dash prior to the synchronization, a submission of the profile will create a duplicate profile in dash.

There are two ways to prevent an agent profile from submitting to dash:

  1. Check the "exclude" checkbox on the Agent Basics tab to exclude the agent from submissions
  2. Leave some required fields blank (ex. email address or position)

To check the "exclude" checkbox

  1. Open the agent's record under People using the search button
  2. Click Agent Basics
  3. Check exclude box
  4. Click save
  5. A notification this agent is excluded from submission will appear
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