Darwin Cloud

Adding Property and Updating Photos in darwin cloud

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To add property photos in darwin Cloud user may follow the steps below:

Search for the property

  1. Click the Properties menu
  2. Click the search button
  3. Type some portion of the property address
  4. Select status from the drop-down list to limit the search results
  5. Click search
  6. Click the the property address
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

Upload the property photo in darwin Cloud

  1. Click Media Stream submenu
  2. Click Add multiple photos
  3. Select photo or multiple photos from the pop-up window
  4. Click Open
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

Edit the name of the photo, once added to the listing in darwin Cloud

  1. Click the pencil icon at the lower right side of the photo
  2. Type the verbiage change on the fields provided
  3. Click Save
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome

Delete the property photo in darwin Cloud

  1. Click the trash bucket icon at the lower right side of the photo
  2. Click yes on the pop-up window
Darwin Cloud - Google Chrome
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