Darwin Cloud

Run Last Launched Report

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On the reports screen in darwin Cloud, there's a tool that user will find  using all the time. It's called: Run last launched report. This tool is especially helpful when designing custom reports.

The benefit of this tool is that it remember the last report user looked at. 

Not only does it recall the last report user ran, it also remembers the settings selected.  So for instance, if user ran a report that was filtered for last month and only one of the companies, it will remember those settings and bring them up so user can run the same report again.

First, open a report and set its parameters based on user preferences.

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click All reports sub menu
  3. Choose a report category from the right side of the screen
  4. Double click report

Filter the reports using the 3 sections on the Report Criteria screen:

  1. filter parameter (top)
  2. available columns (middle)
  3. group by (bottom)
  4. Click preview

This new tools remembers which fields user like to view in your reports. With darwin Cloud, user can add or remove the fields, that they want to show on the reports.

After generating the report and user still wants to modify it because user was trying to get a simple, custom report, with just a few key fields. The Run last launched report feature, remembers the fields user selected (or deselected) to show on the report.  This means user can run the report again, with one click, and see it just like it was run the last time.

To use the Run last launched report

  1. Click Reports menu
  2. Click All Reports
  3. Click Run last launched report:

This will show the report initially generated. From this, user may now add or remove or modify fields preferred for their office.

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