Darwin Cloud

Give Team Leaders Permission to View Team Member Production

Updated on

When Team Leaders need access to the production numbers of their Team Members, these permissions can be set up in darwin Cloud and will allow expanded access to specific reports in the sytem.

Team Leader Setup

To set up an agent as Team Leader, determine their darwin Cloud person ID:

  1. Click People
  2. Search for the agent using the magnifying glass. Click here for instructions on How to Search for an Agent
  3. Locate the person id below the agent's name

Once the Team Leader's person id is known:

  1. Click Dropdowns menu
  2. Click People submenu
  3. Click Agent Teams
  4. Enter team leader id then hit tab to exit the edited row
  5. Click save

Team Leader Access

For most darwin Cloud users with Agent permissions, reports will automatically filter by Agent to exclude information and production data associated with other agents. When a user with Agent permissions are set up as a Team Leader, this allows the user to view reports filtered by Team instead of by Agent.

This expanded access is currently available for the report Closings by Agent, and can be added to additional reports upon request (pending approval by AccountTECH's programming team).  To submit a request, please email [email protected].


  • For help with setting up agent teams click here
  • For help setting up agent darwin Cloud logins click here
  • To enable expanded Team Leader permissions for a specific report, email [email protected]




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