Darwin Cloud

Posting Validation Error Message: The job code field of the invoice detail is required for all records

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Posting validation: The job code field of the invoice detail is required for all records.

Follow the steps below on how to fix it:

  1. Check the invoice preview
  1. Click the $ amount next to Invoice order total
  2. Review and check the office/agent column
  1. Check if agent is assigned a job code
    1. Click Dropdowns menu
    2. Click People
    3. Click People job codes
    4. Enter information on the fields to search if the agent is assigned the job code
      • description is agent's name
      • company the agent is assigned to
      • office the agent is assigned to
      • select INCOME and EXPENSE type
    5. Click search

NOTE: If the agent name does not appear on the list that means the agent is missing the expense and income job codes.

  1. Fix the people record
    1. Click  People menu
    2. Click search
    3. Enter agent's name
    4. Click search
    5. Double click the agent's name
  1. Click People links
  2. Switch agent's office
  3. Click save
  4. Switch agent back to the correct office
  5. Click save
  1. Check the agent's expense and income job code in Dropdown > People
  1. Confirm the invoice order on the transaction is not missing agent job codes, and Post


  1. Click Properties and pull up the property record
  2. Click Post
  3. Click the $ amount next to Invoice order total
  4. Confirm office/agent job code is filled in
  5. Close the invoice preview
  6. Click post
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