darwin Cloud has a new version of the screen display when adding a new agent, employee, or contact to the software: a new and an expanded form. The version of the screen that is selected in the darwin Cloud settings will display in all screen where persons of any type are added to the software including when adding buyers, sellers, and escrow payees on property records.
To start adding person type in darwin Cloud
- Click People menu
- Click new button
The new form display
to add person details fill out the field as needed
- person type
- first name, last name
- company name (as needed)
- email address
- phone number
- type
- Click next to proceed to next field

With the new form user will click next to add details needed from the following:
- office
- address
- options
same steps with person details, fill out the required fields as needed
4. After completing the information, user may click add to save

To select which version of the Add Person screen displays:
- Click Settings
- Click Setup submenu
- Select application settings
- Under application settings select Miscellaneous
- Under description choose Show section with additional fields when adding a person,
- On the right side under value column, select on the dropdown list whether True or False
- Click save