Darwin Cloud

Reports Summary

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In-depth, flexible, customizable and "save-able" reports are at the core of darwin CloudOur new software appears to have fewer reports than previous AccountTECH products - but simple preference settings create infinite report variations.  

All of the reports in darwin Cloud allows filters to see only the date range and data that matter to the user. Filter by any transaction date or accounting date. Filter by company or office or agent.  

With darwin Cloud, all the reports show default columns of data.  But there are are dozens of other data points user can show or hide to see only the data that matters to the users. Additionally, user can re-organize the grouping in the reports.  So, one day you might want to see Pending transactions by Agent, but tomorrow you may need Pending transactions by Lead Source. darwin Cloud makes this possible.

If user decides to show / hide different columns of information and re-organize a reports grouping, users are likely to come up with a report that is perfect for them and show exactly what users want to see in exactly the way they want to see it.  So save your settings and this becomes a unique Custom report - just for your company that you can use over-and-over again.

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