Darwin Cloud

1099 Company Setup and required fields

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All 1099 setup information for Company can be done under the Company menu and the Company submenu.

These fields on the Company record are required to be able to issue a 1099:

  1. tax id
  2. state tax
  3. legal name (using corporate name field)
  4. complete address (using address, city, state, and zip fields)

When entering the tax id and state tax id, it is displayed as *********. For security reasons, the 1099 value is hidden from most users.  Only darwin Cloud users with special 1099 security clearance are allowed to view the tax ID.

For users with the role 1099 Tax ID enabled:

  1. Click the lock icon to view the tax ID

For companies with multiple legal entities, this information will need to be added for each legal entity.  Navigate between companies by clicking the names on the right-hand side of the screen.  The blue highlight will indicate which company's data is currently being displayed.

Refresh Data Display on 1099 Template

After changes have been made to the data on the Company  >  Company screen, a refresh is needed to pull the data into the template merge fields.  Affected data would include:

  • Corporate Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Tax ID

To refresh the data on the 1099 template:

  1. Go to Ledger
  2. Click 1099
  3. Open the 1099 reconciliation
  4. Select the company
  5. Select the year
  6. Click search
  7. Click the 1099 batch to open
  8. Click refresh
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