1099 Preparation
16 Articles
- 1099 Company Setup and required fields
- 1099 Agents (and Vendors) Setup and required fields
- Start a new 1099 batch or view/edit 1099 work
- Tools for Reviewing and Updating 1099 information
- Helpful Reports - 1099 Person Data Review
- How to Review Agent's 1099 Paid at Closing
- 1099 Calculation Options
- Agents print their own 1099
- Give Someone a Different Amount on their 1099
- 1099 Someone Not on the Books
- 1099 NEC and 1099 MISC
- How to Fix 1099 Allocation for Third Party Payments
- 1099 Create IRS Fire File
- Security Role Action: 1099 Reconciliation
- 2024 - 1099 MISC Mailing Format Adjustment
- IRS Fire: Payee ID