There are 4 types of 1099 calculation options in darwin Cloud:

Take home pay
- the simplest and most common 1099 calculation
- 1099 is based on the payment date
- include amounts paid to the agents where the payments were made to them in a calendar year

Plus bill deduct (accrual basis)
- earned amount plus bills due to the company (based on voucher's date)
Plus bill deduct - (cash basis)
- earned amount plus bills due to the company (based on payment's date)

Plus custom commission deduct (accrual basis)
- earned amount plus any commission deduction (based on voucher's date)

To set up 1099 based on custom calculation
- Go to Formulas
- Click Deduct types
- Check the deduct code list
- Check the box under 1099 column
- which deductions should be included in agent's 1099
- Click save