Darwin Cloud

"String '500477002' exceeds maximum length of 5. Path 'roles[3].office.officeId', line 1, position 2160.

Updated on


This error occurs when the person's profile is assigned to an office with a not valid franchise ID or has reached the maximum length of 5 characters.

To fix

  1. Go to People
  2. Search the person's profile
  3. Click Agent basics
  4. List down the offices assigned to every roles

Check what office has an invalid Franchise ID.

  1. Go to Company
  2. Click Office
  3. Select company name from the dropdown list
  4. Click the Office name
  5. Look up the franchise ID and correct if necessary

If the Franchise ID is invalid, go back to person's profile and remove the office for that role to be able to send the record to Dash.

  1. Go to People
  2. Click Agent basics
  3. Click the position that needs to be removed
  4. Click delete button
  5. Click yes - to delete this position
  6. Click submit

If another office with a valid franchise ID is selected for the position, confirm that the correct office is selected on the dropdown. Click the submit button again once corrected.

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