Darwin Cloud

Seller/Buyer/Landlord/Tenant/Client person name not supplied

Updated on


This error indicates that either the buyer or seller is missing from the People tab of the property record.

To fix:

If the buyer or seller has an existing record in darwin Cloud

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click People submenu
  3. Click (+) plus button to add buyer or seller's name
  1. Type a portion of buyer or seller's name
  2. Click search
  3. Click to buyer/seller name

If buyer or seller has no record yet in darwin Cloud

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click People submenu
  3. Click (+) plus button next to buyer/seller
  1. Click add person
  2. Enter the person details
    • first name
    • last name
    • company name
    • email address
    • type
    • country code
    • phone number
  3. Click next
  1. Select company
  2. Select office
  3. Click next
  1. Select address type
  2. Enter required fields
  3. Click Next
  1. Optionally select data source
  2. Select lead by and division, OR Enter tax ID
  3. Click add

Submit the property to Dash via realtime submission

Once the user is on the property that needs to be submitted,

  1. Click submit
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