Darwin Cloud

Unable to find the result for the identifiers supplied Parameter name: identifier

Updated on


This error occurs when an agent roles/positions for the office are not Dash offices.

To fix

Check the agent's assigned positions/roles

  1. Go to People
  2. Click search to find the agent
  1. Enter a portion of the agent's name
  2. Click search
  3. Click agent's name
  1. Click Agent basics
  2. Take note of all the offices and position/roles

Check what assigned offices are non Dash offices

Dash customer have non Dash offices this can be identified if the office doesn't have office GUID assigned or it has a temporary office GUID added to the office table.

  1. Click Company menu
  2. Click Office submenu
  3. Select company name
  4. Click the office name
  5. Check the office GUID

After checking, remove the office for that role and submit to Dash

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click Agent Basics submenu
  3. Click the role that need to be removed
  4. Click delete button
  5. Click Yes to delete the position
  6. Click submit
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