Once the feeds are scheduled they should import listings from the MLS feed automatically. When a listing is added in the MLS and is not showing in darwin Cloud, it can be imported from the MLS on demand. We have a feature where we can get information from feeds manually and that is what we call pull-on-demand.
How to do a pull on demand from the feed:
- Click Properties menu
- Click new
- Select add property from feeds
- Click start
- Select Feed name or FeedID from where the property will be pulled from
- Enter MLS # in the search by field
- Click Pull

- Confirm manual pull is successful
- If the result is property ID (number) added or updated successfully, means SUCCESS
- If the result is "Failed" with the an error message, means FAILED
- Click Close (if the result is success) or Cancel (if the result is failed)
Given that the property was added or updated successfully, it should then appear in darwin Cloud. Confirm all information pulled is correct.
- Make sure the property was pulled from the correct feed.
- If manual pull failed, take note of the error and reach out to AccountTECH support for assistance. Send an email to [email protected].