Darwin Cloud

No or Invalid Agents Sent

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There are a few factors that can cause this issue.  The main causes are:

  1. List agent is missing on a listing (or list side of in-house transaction), or the sell agent is missing on a sale transaction (or sell side of an in-house transaction)
  2. The transaction is flagged as in-house when it is only a one-sided deal
  3. One or more agents on the deal are in Terminated status, or are missing a sales role

Scenario 1: List agent or Sell agent missing from one-side or in-house transaction

This error is quick to fix for a single transaction, but because it is usually caused by an error in the agent's setup, it is worth taking a few extra minutes to follow the steps in the prevention section as well.

To fix the error:

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click search
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click none hyperlink to add missing agent
    • Confirm the list agent (or sell agent), depending on the appropriate side
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  4. Click save
  5. Click submit


The first step in preventing this error is confirming the source of the transaction - MLS, or manual addition.

  1. Click History
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Find the change type, New property
  4. Check if modified by is dwinner

Note: dwinner indicates an update made by one of AccountTECH's feeds

For transactions imported from MLS, the underlying cause for missing list or sell agents is generally a missing or incorrect MLS ID on the agent's profile. 

To add a missing MLS ID:

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click search
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click People links
  4. Click + to add a new MLS ID
  5. Select MLS type source
  6. Select the subtype
  7. Enter MLS ID
  8. Click add

To edit an incorrect MLS ID:

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click search
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click People links
  4. Click the MLS ID to be be modified
  5. Confirm or fix MLS source
  6. Click save

Additional Considerations:

For companies with multiple integrations set up (ex. SkySlope, DotLoop, etc.), there may be other feeds that need to be reviewed.  If the agent's MLS ID is correct and the error is occurring in another feed, please contact [email protected] for further assistance.

Scenario 2: The transaction is flagged as in-house when it is only a one-sided deal


A transaction is classified as In-House when both the list agent and sell agent boxes on the Property Basics screen are checked.  If the box for the list or sell side is checked and no agent name is supplied, this can cause a submission error.

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click search
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click Agents submenu
  4. Click on the empty field next to agent's name to be deleted
  5. Click delete


The most common cause for this error is the Cancel settings on the Settings > Settings screen.  By default, no information from the buyer side of a transaction should be copied to a re-activated listing.  However, because the settings can be customized, there are configurations that will copy the sell agent flag to the new record when the transaction is reactivated.  This can occur during auto-cancel (when a transaction is updated from Pending to Active in MLS), or when a transaction is manually cancelled.

To adjust the settings:

  1. Click Settings menu
  2. Click Setup submenu
  3. Click application settings tab
  4. Select the section Cancel property
  5. Locate Fields to copy from property, click select items...
  6. Scroll to ourSell, and deselect the checkbox
  7. Click ok
  8. Click save

Additional Considerations:

The steps above will prevent the Sell Agent checkbox from populating when an in-house transaction has been reactivated.  If other buyer side fields are also set to copy on reactivated transactions, deselecting those items from the Cancel property settings will prevent them from copying going forward.

Other items to review include sellingPrice, sellCommission, and sellCommRate.

Scenario 3: One or more agents on the deal are in Terminated status, or missing a sales role

Terminated Agents:

Since transactions can only submit successfully if all agents on the deal are active, any agents who are no longer active with the company must be temporarily restored to status active before the transaction will submit successfully.  Terminated agents will display as red on property records.

Missing Sales Role:

Only transactions with an active Sales Role, (such as Sales Associate), can be submitted successfully on property records.  Agents with missing sales roles will not appear differently on the property record, but can be identified when their profile is reviewed.

To fix errors caused by an agent's status or roles:

  1. Click Properties menu
  2. Click search
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click Agents submenu
  4. Click agent's name to jump to the agent's profile

Note: Terminated agents will display in red, making them easy to identify

For Terminated Agents:

On the agent's profile:

  1. Click Agent basics
  2. Check the active checkbox
  3. Remove terminated date from profile
  4. Click the position
  5. Remove terminated date from position
  6. Click save on position window
  7. Click save on profile
  8. Click submit

For agents missing active sales roles:

On agent's profile:

  1. Click Agent Basics
    • note that several of the agent tabs below are grayed out - this indicates that the profile is classified as an Employee rather than an Agent
  2. Click the plus (+) button next to positions to add an active sales role
  3. Select the role Sales Associate
  4. Select the office
  5. Enter start date
  6. Click add
  7. Click submit

After the agent(s) on the deal have been reviewed and corrected as needed:

  1. Click Properties
  2. Click submit

For terminated agents, the terminated status may need to be restored after the transaction has submitted successfully.  To restore the terminated status:

  1. Click People menu
  2. Click search
    • a new window will appear, fill in accordingly
  3. Click Agent Basics submenu
  4. Uncheck the active checkbox
  5. Add terminated date to profile
  6. Click the position
  7. Add terminated date to position
  8. Click save on position window
  9. Click save on profile
  10. Click submit


The best way to prevent these errors going forward is:

  • Track terminated agents who have transactions in Pending status - closing out these deals will require following the steps above
  • Ensure that staff members who set up new agents are familiar with the agent positions that qualify as sales roles for your franchise.  The position Sales Associate is a sales role for all brands, but the position Sales Agent is classified by Anywhere Real Estate Inc. as a non-agent employee role.

Additional Considerations:

For any further questions or concerns, please contact AccountTECH support by emailing [email protected]

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