Darwin Cloud

Business Rule Violation(s) has occurred. :Canceled transaction cannot be updated

Updated on


This error occurs when submitting a transaction that has been previously submitted to Dash as Cancelled. Dash does not allow to make any updates to the record once it is cancelled or when epay is paid. 

NOTE: This can not be resubmitted, a new transaction needs to be created which will create new identifiers.

To fix

  1. Click the copy button
  2. Select which side of the transaction to be copied
  3. Click copy
  4. Click yes to confirm

5. Click the Commission submenu and confirm that the commission details are correct

6. Click the Agent Net List and/or Agent Net Sell submenu and review and confirm the commission breakdown. Make corrections if necessary

7. Click the Post submenu
8. Click POST with no commission button

NOTE: Post with no commission will ensure that there are no invoices, payables, and deposits recorded. This posting is for submission purposes only- the duplicated property will be deleted after successful submission.

9. Go to Submission submenu to confirm the submission was successful
10. The "S" result means successful

Once the duplicate transaction is successfully submitted, ensure that this will not show on any reports by unposting and deleting the record.

1. Go back to the Post submenu
2. Click the UNPOST with no commission button
3. Click the delete button

NOTE: This process will send all of the transaction information to Dash correctly as a new record. Confirm that the property was successfully submitted in Dash and that there are no duplicate transactions.

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