Darwin Cloud

July 2023 - New darwin.cloud Features

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  • The Evolution of darwin is darwin cloud
    darwin Cloud has the look and feel of darwin. Your staff won’t need training on how to use darwin Cloud, because the screens and the navigation look just like what they are used to… only in a web browser.

    To log into darwin Cloud, everyone will just use their pre-existing darwin usernames & passwords. And for Agents, they also will use their pre-existing transactionPlan.com usernames and passwords but at the darwin Cloud website.  For agents, the biggest advantage is their new home page.  It is now personalized analytics about them.

  • darwin Cloud Context Sensitive Help
    Now, from every screen in darwin Cloud, user can access relevant articles and videos related to the screen user is on at the time. As user move between screens, the available articles move as well. This means user can stay in darwin.Cloud and have the help needed - right where users are.

  • Super Fast Agent Billing
    The Agent billing wizard in darwin Cloud has been updated, has a new look and turbo-charged for speed.  In the video below we are going to take a look at the updates to the screens of the wizard and we are going to run a large batch of agent invoices - with a stop watch running.

  • Agent License Status Warnings
    When user is working with a property in darwin Cloud, there is an easy way to see when some agents license is expired.

  • Run Last Launched Report
    On the reports screen in darwin Cloud, there's a tool that user will find  using all the time. It's called: Run last launched report. This tool is especially helpful when designing custom reports.

  • Agent Goals Graphs
    The darwin Cloud home page is graphs of agent performance vs goals. These graphs show agents their success on the key metrics in their business that they can control. 

  • Calculate Agent Goals Automatically with darwin Cloud
    darwin Cloud has figured out how to calculate agent goals automatically. The new goals calculator for Agents just asks agents:"What are your goals for this year?"

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