1099 - INT
- For people flagged to receive an interest
- Click Ledger menu
- Click IRS Fire submenu
- Click new
- Choose IRS reconciliation record
- Choose format type (1099 - INT)
- Enter description
- Enter name
- person in the company who is responsible for this 1099 IRS Fire File
- Enter email address
- Enter phone number
- Click save
- Deselect the person
- if the person does not need to be reported to IRS
- leave it checked off if no changes need to be done
- Click generate
- user will see list of everyone in the 1099 batch that has been flagged to receive a 1099
- user will see list of everyone in the 1099 batch that has been flagged to receive a 1099
- Check off "I accept these conditions"
- ensure to read details carefully
- Sign on the blank space provided
- Click ok

AccountTECH will upload your IRS for you
- Copy the file to user's local computer
- Click copy
- Paste the text file to a notepad
- Click File
- Click Save as
- Type in file name
- Click Save

- Deliver the file to user's email
- Click send button
- Enter email address
- Click send
- Print the records
- Click print
- Save and print the report to user local device
Repeat the steps in creating 1099 - MISC and 1099 - NEC
- Choose format type accordingly
1099 - MISC
- For Rentals and Others

1099 - NEC
- For Agents

Once done generating file for each of your companies, let AccountTECH know. AccountTECH will grab your IRS files and upload them to the IRS for you.