Darwin Cloud

Short Videos - Add/Edit Agents & Employees

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Training Tasks Group 01 - Adding and Editing Agents and Employees

In darwin, all of the Agent personal information and Employee personal information is entered in the People menu. Training Task for Group 1 will show users how to navigate submenus in People menu used to add an and edit and terminate Agents and Employees.

Due to recent updates of the darwin software, some screens have changed. Please know that the written steps will be accurate, what you see on the video may show a slightly different screen.

It is important to note: Never use the same property or person record for different tests. A helpful way to know that you (or a coworker) has already performed the training task is to enter your own name in either a name field or a street  name for properties. If a property or person record has already been used by yourself or a co-worker, select a different record to perform your Training Task.

Recorded and written instruction for each Training Task in Group 01 - Add/Edit Agents & Employees are found below.


  • 1.10 Add a new Agent


  • 1.11 Enhance a new Agent by adding more information to their profile


  • 1.12 Add a new Employee


  • 1.13 Give a staff role to an Agent


  • 1.14 Make an Employee into an Agent


  • 1.15 Terminate an Agent


  • 1.16 Terminate one Employee role

________________________________________________________________________________1.17 Agent license status warning

________________________________________________________________________________1.18 Setup Agent username so they can log into darwin.Cloud

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