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Short Videos - Add/Edit Pending Transactions

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Training Tasks Group 03 - Add/Edit Pending Transactions

In darwin, all Pending Transaction information is entered and found in the Properties menu. Training Tasks for Group 3 will show users how to navigate different submenus of the Properties menu used when adding a Pending transaction that is not your listing, change an active listing to a pending transaction, cancel a pending transaction and add commission information to pending transactions. 

Due to recent updates of the darwin software, some screens have changed. Please know that the written steps will be accurate, what you see on the video may show a slightly different screen.

It is important to note: Never use the same property or person record for different tests. A helpful way to know that you (or a coworker) has already performed the training task is to enter your own name in as a street name for properties. If a property or person record has already been used by yourself or a co-worker, select a different record to perform your Training Task. Failure to follow these rules will keep either you or one of your co-workers from getting full credit for completing the Training Task.

Recorded and written instruction for each Training Task in Group 03 - Add/Edit Pending Transactions are found below.


  • 3.11 Add a new Pending Residential transaction, Our Sale


  • 3.12 Change the status of an Active Residential listing to Pending


  • 3.13 Cancel a Transaction


  • 3.14 Change the status of an Active Residential listing to Pending (Our Listing)


  • 3.15 Change the status of an Active/Current Residential listing to Pending IH (Our Seller and Our Buyer)


  • 3.17 Change the listing Commission % percentage


  • 3.18 Add Co-Broke Commission $


  • 3.19 Add more agents to an existing Residential Pending Transaction, dividing the award percentage equally


  • 3.20 Add an agent to an existing Residential Pending Transaction and divide the award percentage unequally


  • 3.21 Remove an agent from a Residential Pending Transaction


  • 3.22 Add an outgoing referral to a Residential Pending Transaction


  • 3.23 Enter Transaction Fees collected


  • 3.24 Add Seller notes


  • 3.25 Add Commission Notes


  • 3.31 Add the Listing Commission % and override dollar amounts on the Agent's commission breakdown


  • 3.32 Add a 3rd Party Payout


  • 3.33 Deduct an Agent's Unpaid bill


  • 3.34 Change the Commission Price on an existing Residential Pending Transaction 


  • 3.35 Remove a 3rd Party Payout

If you have Training Tasks 3.41, 3.42, 3.43 assigned to you, please use this link to go to the Escrow group of the Training Tasks for videos and instructions.


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